Monday, 18 July 2011

7-17 check-in

I'm quite pleased with what I've been doing writing-wise lately. Since Saturday I've been writing down my dreams as soon as I wake. That makes me happy. And it's writing. I can always use one of the ideas for the short story I am slated to write this round.

I have a million appointments this week: doctor's, physiotherapy, home inspection, friend visiting from out of country etc etc. And soon I will be moving. Packing packing packing. fn excited.

Week is going well. See you Wednesday. Good luck to all.


  1. Dream work is actually really great material, especially if you use them for characters. I do character dream work for my 3-4 main characters whenever I'm doing a manuscript-and I almost always end up using them in come capacity. They're also good for nailing down symbols and imagery. Writing down your dreams is wonderful writing practice.

    Good luck the rest of the week with everything you've got going on! :o)

  2. busy busy week ahead - don't kill yourself - dreams are good - i hardly ever remeber mine but one I had 40 years ago made it into my short story collection last year - sat there so well behaved waiting it's turn - so very British of it!!!!
